Retractor Balancers
The retractable tool balancer is one of the most common and easiest-to-handle balancers. The tool is suspended by the balancer within the work area, easily reachable by the operator.
The operator can pull down the tool attached to a retractable cable, and an internal spring applies constant pressure to the cable. This allows the tool to instantly return to its home position when the operator releases it. Overall, this useful tool increases the efficiency and safety of workers while reducing their fatigue. Additionally, it improves the service life of the tool itself by isolating it from external damage, such as being dropped or caught up on the workpiece.
Note: Models with the suffix "R" indicate ratchet versions (except TW-06R, 1R, and 2R). This range includes the added function to lock the cable in any position and hold the load static without the cable retracting.